Thursday, 25 March 2010

Music magazine survey/questionnaire

I handed out the follow survey to 10 people all within my demographic (male, 15-25 years old) which I detailed earlier. I have put the percentage each answer got next to the answer itself.

1. What about this magazine appeals most to you?
Layout 50%
Images 40%
Colour scheme 10%

2. Do you think that the articles included in the mag
are appropriate?
Yes, all 90%
Yes, most 10%
No, few 0%
No, none 0%

3. What was your favourite part of the mag?
Front cover 30%
Contents page 10%
double page spread 60%

4. would you be willing to pay £2.99 for a monthly magazine
of this quality?
Yes, I would be willing to purchase it every month 70%
Yes, but not that regularly 20%
Occasionally 10%
Rarely 0%
Never 0%

5. Does the main article interest you enough?
Yes 90%
Not sure 10%
No 0%

6.Do you feel that the house style was effective?
Yes, very 80%
Yes, mostly 10%
Not sure 10%
No 0%

7.Do you believe that the magazine reflects your demographic interests?
Yes, very 80%
Yes, mostly 20%
Not sure 0%
No 0%

8. Finally, would there be anything you would change about the magazine?
The only serious answer that was really given was "the main article should be about someone actually famous", but this was changed to "no" when I explained that I had to take the pictures myself.

I feel that on the whole it was a very positive outcome, and many of the people included in the questionnaire actually complimented me highly on the realistic magazine effect I've managed to create. The only criticism that I was later given was that some of the older music i've included is not the their personal taste, however that is only a matter of opinion, rather than a major fault with the magazine itself. I can therefore conclude due to these results, that if this was to be published a real magazine, would have a very good chance at becoming popular, and would be able to compete with Q and NME. However, to gain a much more clear picture, I would have to give this questionnaire to many more people.

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